Here we go - Preparations for Tokyo in Aachen

On Tuesday, July 6th, the horses that will take part in the dressage competitions in Tokyo moved into their boxes at the CHIO site in Aachen. Here, at the request of the Japanese organizers, they have to spend a short quarantine period before they get on the plane on July 14.

Aachen 01In the stork step. Dia climbs the trailer. She still hasn't gotten used to the transport leggings. But she likes to drive in the trailer.

The quarantine applies only to the horses. In the last weeks, herpes diseases have rather unsettled the scene. Accordingly, the regulations in the quarantine stables are precise. In particular, the regular fever measurement must be accurately logged.

Aachen 02Box No. 19. Dia has moved into her room for the next few days and is testing the quality of the straw. It’s very good.

Of course, the time is used for training for horse and rider. The coach for the international Russian team, Ferdi Eilberg from England, and the Russian coach, Aleksandra Korelowa, take care of the Russian athletes. Ferdi Eilberg had to quarantine himself before yesterday, as strict precautions had to be observed for those arriving from England until the day before yesterday.
In Aachen, the world's top dressage sport gathered yesterday. Even Japanese and Americans cavorted in the Soers, the showground in Aachen. By 12 o'clock the trucks of the Schneiders, Langehanenbergs, Kittels and others arrived. Two large trucks with Russian license plates were also found, as well as the neighbor from Steinhagen: Johannsmann. The boss personally did not miss the time to deliver for the Olympics in Aachen.
On the limited area of the stables, the stable master had a logistical masterpiece to work on. It worked surprisingly smoothly. Glüchwunsch. The mood was generally cheerful and relaxed. The people were obviously looking forward to the upcoming major sporting event. In the middle of it, a single car with trailer from Bielefeld lost something. In fact, the mini delivered a horse for the Russian team, including food for the next few weeks.

Aachen 03Stable in Aachen. A luxury hotel for horses

Dia moved into a large box in stablel 1. The four Russian horses are housed here. Two tack boxes are available. The second half of the corridor is occupied by the Danish Team. Dia already took a look at the stallion Zack. Whether she liked him, she unfortunately did not tell. The accommodation in Aachen is luxurious, better than at many international tournaments. Here are fixed stables with large boxes available. Everything meticulously cleaned, bright and fresh. And the training possibilities are also at their best. Today in the early morning we start with a first training in bright sunshine.