Lier 2020 - lots of rain, snow and storm

In Lier, a numerically strong starting field had been announced. Forty-four pairs took part in the Grand Prix on Friday.

Accordingly, the test dragged on. It began at 4 p.m. and ended just before midnight. Tatiana and Diavolessa started at 10:45 p.m. The two were able to show a convincing performance. Very nice were the trot, the strong trot and the passage. Dia unfolded momentum and feathered wonderfully through the track. The two showed the qualities in the gallop tour as well. The diagonals with the flying changes were good to look at and also the pirouettes got good. Is it worth mentioning that the strong step was again a highlight?

Lier202001Until just before midnight, the arena was used for training.

The Grand Prix Freestyle at sunday was also able to convince athletically. The musical design proved itself across the board. Some parts developed into a real feast for the eyes, e.g. when Dia springed exactly to the beat of the music in the passage. However, it was also noticeable that Dia was still missing the routine here. This variant of the task had been played out only once before, which meant that some transitions were not quite fluid. Two mistakes were added. Before switching on a curved line, Dia built two flying changes of her own and a gallop pirouette failed. A very interesting performance. In the media library of ClipmyHorse you can check this again.

The judges regularly drew the seven as a standard note with only small deviations. They did not reach for higher grades even in the very strong parts. Even in the extended walk, the judges' team managed to avoid an outstanding score: 8.0; 6,5; 7,5; 8,0; 7,5; total 7.5. Since there were no errors, but on the other hand the isolated 7.5 notes were compensated by corresponding 6.5 notes, it had to be a result of 70 percent. In fact, 69.696 percent came out in the end, ranked 13th place. This approach was repeated in the Freestyle. Two errors clearly pressed the note. 70.875 percent came in 12th place.

Lier202002Understand each other well, Ferdi Eilberg and Tatiana Kosterina. Between training and exams there was time for a trip to the worth seeing Mechelen.

For the first time, the pair were coached by the Russian national team coach, Ferdi Eilberg. This was a very pleasing opportunity. Ferdi was not only able to give very valuable hints during the respective preparations for the exams. In addition, free times were used for intensive training. The chemistry between the three was right from the start and Tatiana was very satisfied: "It is still getting better under Ferdi's expert advice. We needed more time together."

Summary: Lier and Mechelen are very nice small towns in Flanders. A walk through the city is very worthwhile, as it offers beautiful impressions of the historic Brabant. But you shouldn't drive in February. Without snow, rain and storms, the impressions are even more beautiful. And Dia and Tatiana are already looking forward to the next training with Ferdi.